Have you ever found yourself at a resolute place where you don’t need to defend yourself against, lairs, accusers, avengers, manipulators, and the like?
This morning as I listened to the Bible in a Year audio reading, I couldn’t help but smile at God, who I firmly believe, sent a direct message to me. The gist of the reading can be summed up in one powerful line;
Sometimes silence and submission are the best responses, even when you know you are right.
Of course, accepting and practicing this takes on enormous self-discipline.
I’m reminded of a story found in the first book of Samuel.
Absalom, King David’s son, had conspired against his father. He planned quite the coup with a whole army of followers ready to takeover David’s throne. David, having heard of this, made no decision to battle with his son, so he and his household fled Jerusalem. As David approached this place called Bahurim, a man, named Shimei, of the household of Saul-the previous King, saw David coming and started to curse and throw rocks at David and all his servants. Stones weren’t the only thing being thrown; some very stinging words escaped his lips; “Get out! Get out, you worthless man of bloodshed! The LORD has paid you back for all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose place you have reigned, and the LORD has delivered the kingdom into the hand of your son Absalom. See, you have come to ruin because you are a man of bloodshed!”
As I read this event with much interest, I found my self saying aloud, “Oh no, he didn’t! That’s a dead man walking, dead man talking y’all.” I wasn’t the only one who thought this either.
This kind of disrespect didn’t go down well with one of David’s right hand man. Abishai asked David for permission to go over and cut off Shimei’s head, because according to him, this “dead dog” should not be cursing his lord, the king.
It was at this point I expected King David to snap his fingers and spears would have pierced his accuser, or at the raised of a brow, an attack would have been launched on this impertinent fool. But, no! Instead, David ordered that Shemei be left alone. This tormentor was left to walk alongside the warrior King, cursing and throwing stones at him.
Folks, you have to give credit to King David. I remember reading in the bible about a prophet of God who was being mocked by youths, and as a result, bears devoured them. But here, Shemei’s accusation against David was utterly false-a baseless and malignant slander. Yet, King David, when under the cruelest wrong and insult, showed himself to be humble, unselfish, generous, and submissive.
“Never was the ruler of Israel more truly great in the sight of heaven than at this hour of his deepest outward humiliation.”
One writer said, “Never was the ruler of Israel more truly great in the sight of heaven than at this hour of his deepest outward humiliation.” Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 738)
I could end here with a slow motioned round of applause. The message is clear, isn’t it?
It bears repeating – sometimes silence and submission are the best responses, even when you know you are right.
So as you go through your moment of baseless and malignant slander, remain silent, watch God clear you of all accusations, look up, and keep looking up- you might just see heaven applauding.
Silence is golden, my friends.
Merry Melodious Melody
Thank you very much .
Silence is golden I totally agree with that
But I will share my experience with that .
I know of many Bible Characters on this topic about turning the other cheek but it’s just like you read about these things from time to time and still we come to the conclusion that we can take care of ourselves
But my experience where I learn to turn the other cheek is not really biblical it’s from a simple person not a CHRISTIAN .
By the way this person is one of those feminine man I happen to be some where nearby when another person was interfering with him and his response was
I don’t even look on them and I know they will feel worst than me because I don’t even look at them .
So I say to myself if he is not a Christian and he has that kind of spirit why can’t I develop that kind of spirit I’m not perfect but I just try my best to ignore negative people or things so this is my experience with GOD’S help it works just turn the other cheek don’t say a word 🙏🙏🙏
James 1:19 admonished us to be quick to listen and slow to speak. I agree with you 💯% that silence is golden. We don’t have to try to defend ourselves to prove that we’re right, No way!God love will defends us, You mentioned about the Bears, how about Moses’ sister Miriam ,who caught Leprosy, because she talked too much.