And just like that, the buzz of the Christmas festivity fades, normalcy sets in at the hump of the new year, and we’re left to ponder on new beginnings. 

It’s actually a fascinating and an exciting craze. It’s at this time many explore the concept of starting afresh, seeking God’s guidance as they embark on new journeys, and experience spiritual renewal. 

At the center of this craze is the trend setter of NEW BEGINNINGS.

He shows up right in Isaiah 43, verses 18 and 19;

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”

This verse encapsulates the essence of new beginning; urging us to let go of the past and embrace the new things God is doing in our lives.

But you might ask, how can one forget their past? After-all, this is certainly not “Men in Black” where Will Smith’s character wave a neutralizer of light in front of you, and in the wink of an eye, you forget a certain ordeal.  

Wouldn’t that be nice? I could do with a few erasing myself. 😏

But there’s something odd about that verse though. 🧐

“forget the former things”

Notice, God didn’t say, “forget the bad things”. He says; “forget the former things”.  

For me, certain joys and certain scars are too significant to simply ‘forget’ at a whim. They’re embedded into my heart,  etched into my memory, and in many ways, they’ve made me into who I am today. 😌

So what’s God telling me here?

Forgetting the former things means, Do not allow my past experience—those ‘former things’ both good and bad—to color my perception of the present and expectations for the future.

Forget the former things” means…

Do not dwell on them. 

Don’t allow them to be the master of your life.

What a great command from the Father of new beginnings. But the icing on the cake is the verse that follows; 

“See, I am doing a new thing!” 

Yep! That’s shouting material right there! 

God uses a present active verb; “I am doing…”

God is saying, Melody, I am working for you in the present for your future. 

I say, “Do your thing Lord, Do your new thing!”

Seems my exploration of new beginnings started way before the new year came. God placed me on new roads and shouted, “forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing!” 

And it’s true. I saw renewed growth physically, mentally, and spiritually.  I found new perspectives on life and stepped higher on new levels of faith.

While you’re on your craze of new beginnings, LOOK, SEE God doing a new thing. 

We  oftentimes have a difficult time seeing or perceiving the hand of God at work in our lives because trying circumstances incline us to look inward, instead of upward and outward

Friend, we all have hurts in our past don’t we? Situations that didn’t go as planned, people that did us wrong, wounds that we struggle to let fully heal. What if today we chose to not dwell on the past, but focused on the path God has already laid before us?

As you step into 2025, take time to honestly assess areas in your life where past experiences might be holding you back from moving forward. 

Forgive yourself and others:

  • Ask God to help you release any bitterness or resentment, or good time you may have a tight grasp around your neck.

Embrace new possibilities:

  • Actively look for opportunities to step into the new things God is offering you. 

Trust in God’s plan:

  • Believe that even when you can’t see the whole picture, God is working for your good. 

One theologian said it best: “Stop defining and limiting your future in terms of your past. Start defining it in terms of your God.”

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6 thoughts on “New Beginnings

  1. Happy New Year ma’am! I am encouraged by this nugget 😀God be praised. You quoted “Believe that even when you can’t see the whole picture, God is working for your good.”
    I agree 💯. I don’t know what lies ahead for me for this year , but whatever lies ahead I will face it with God’s help.

    1. …Cause when our God is staring this vessel called life, we can smile in any storm 🙌🏽❤️

      Thanks for your feedback.

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