My friends and I recently took up the challenge of reciting and memorizing Bible texts. The newly found interest isn’t because we want to have a reservoir of Bible text locked in our heads, but because we’ve come to realize how precious the word of God is.
The reality is, if we want to be prepared for future trials, we must learn to depend upon God’s Word today.
This revived hobby made me reminisce on my junior and preteen years, when I had to memorize at least 20-30 Bible texts quarterly for various church activities including Sabbath school lessons, and church band competitions. Those were truly the good old days. 🥰
One Bible text which I memorized recently was Isaiah 40 verse 28- I wont tell you the many trial and error it took to finally memorize this popular text.
“Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.”
isaiah 40:28 KJV
It was not until I grasp the meaning of the text, that I was able to recite or commit the words to memory. Like peeling an onion layer by layer, the verse unveiled precious insight. The more I understood, the more excited I got. 😌
The word of God is truly amazing when you’re intentional about gleaning understanding.
Allow me to use the message Bible’s version of this text to raise your excitement about who my God is.
"Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening? God doesn't come and go. God lasts. He's Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath. And he knows everything, inside and out."
It doesn’t get clearer than that.
Well, just incase it’s still a bit challenging to grasp, I’ll share a clip with a version my friend sent me.
Tell them Carlene😁! Her version is truly one of the best.
Whichever version you take to, I invite you to get to know the God of whom I boost.
Forget Digicel(a popular and preferred telecommunication network in Jamaica), GOD is the BIGGER, BETTER NETWORK.
As I ponder on Isaiah 40 verse 28, a few taglines of Verizon, one of America’s most popular Wireless Networks, came to mind.
5G- Built Right. God doesn’t come and go. God lasts. God’s the Creator of all you can see or imagine. God doesn’t get tired out, or pauses to catch His breath. God knows everything, inside and out.”
Now, “That’s powerful” (2020 tagline).
“Can you hear me now?” (2003 tagline).
I serve a big God who will never get weary and tired of my asking.
And that makes me…
Merry Melodious Melody
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God is the greatest! We can’t fathom His greatness. There’s no searching of His understanding
Isn’t it amazing to know that God never change? He’s the same yesterday today and forever.
What a mighty God we serve.
We make promises from time to time and change them. But Thank God for His unchanging Love. He’s the same yesterday todays and forever.
Let’s hold on to his unchaining hands
May GOD help us all