I will first admit that lately, I’ve been fearful about a few things. I’d spend time just thinking about situations and happenings that, not very often, cripple my confidence and faith.
Truth be told, I was probably more anxious, than fearful.
And it’s not that I don’t know better, or that I don’t have faith in God, it’s just that I wrongfully give in to my human tendencies.
Case in point, not too long ago, Sarai, my three years old daughter, who sat next to me on the sofa doing her independent phonics lesson, looked over at me in my moment of pensiveness, theorized that I was anxious about something, and lovingly asked, “Mommy, are you sad?”. “Of course not pumpkin,” I replied truthfully. Realizing she wasn’t convinced, I went on to say, “Mommy is just thinking and got scared for a minute”. She then responded with the same line I’ve fed her whenever she tells me she’s afraid, “be brave mommy, God is with you!” In that moment I smiled; not only at the fact that she was appropriately applying the life lesson I’ve taught her, but because she was right!
Sometimes we will get ahead of ourselves worrying and fearing that which only God has control over.
Sarai was quoting to me, Isaiah 41:10.
‘‘Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you.’’
That’s good news, isn’t it? I know what some of you are saying…
…”easier said, than done”.
I hear you. But the thing is, one can only conquer fear and anxiety when they have true faith. It’s the kind of thinking that goes against the odds. It takes believing in the impossible.
I found the following shared tips helpful, and I hope you will too.
Get the facts about what you fear to take away the mystery and misinformation from it.
Instead of focusing on your phobia, focus on God’s promises: ‘Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice’. Note the words ‘I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties’. As your faith in God grows stronger, the threat of your fears will grow weaker.
Relax. Imagine yourself peaceful and free of the bondage of fear. Envision the positive effect on your life when you are delivered.
Confront each one of your fear-triggering circumstances with baby steps. Every single hurdle you conquer strengthens you.
So, commit yourself to overcoming the fears that have wreaked havoc on your peace of mind.
Jesus said, ‘My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid’ (John 14:27 NKJV).
Let’s not allow FEAR to rule us!
Let’s become proactive and arm ourselves with the promises of God. Let’s FEAR (Face Everything And Rise).
Run towards your fears as David ran towards Goliath, knowing that in the name of the Lord, You will win!
Ask God to give you the strength and boldness to walk, act, and obey His will for your life.
Refuse to be fearful in all areas of life.
Face Everything And Rise
…because if God is for you, who can be against you?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Merry Melodious Melody
Thank you Sister Melody for those encouraging words, sometimes we let fear take over our lives. This is why we must always ask the Holy Spirit to direct and lead us.
Fear is a liar! The only fear we need to have is to fear God, meaning to respect him and love Him. Fear: to be afraid is one of Satan’s poison darts. At one point and time Satan had me going. I was so afraid of something he threw at me . So Jesus stepped in and worked out things well. I shook my head and said” Fear Is A Liar”God is good! Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man.
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but He has given us a spirit of love and power. Therefore, with those precious gifts we can be more than conquerors through Him.
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