Let’s just say I’ve been talking less, and listening more. lol- I bet my dear husband smiled as he read this🫣. It’s an art I’m working on. 😌
I’ve been on a journey; one that I can’t wait to tell you about. It’s been quite a road trip, climbing life’s rocky hills, hiking up and down impossible mountains, crossing icy terrains, crawling across valleys, swimming in life’s murky rivers.
But like I said, I’m listening more than I speak these days, so you’d have to be patient to hear about that journey. The big question on your mind should be, “who is she listening to?”
While the answer might appear obvious, I’ll admit that not only have I been listening to the wrong voices, I haven’t always been a good listener. 🤔
I can still hear my mother’s voice echoing in my little ears; Melody, yuh no listen eno” (interpreted , Melody, you’re just not a good listener”. And her mother loved to chime in on this campaign against me as well. But grandma always made it out to be a generation thing; claiming that my generation thought we knew more than theirs. It was a Baby Boomers vs Millennial war factor. All Millennials will totally disagree. On the other hand Generation Alphas who always want their way would agree. My little four year old daughter, an Alpha by all angles, way too often accuses me of not listening to her; “Mommy, you’re not listening,” She’d say in frustration, when her negotiation with me didn’t make it very far. But the biggest roll eyes is when my husband would use the line in his favor. 🤦♀️ They are not the only ones though; my coworkers tell me I don’t listen when they cautioned me not to go on a trip which they deemed too much for me to handle; my church friends and close friends sang the same tune. And don’t get me started on those health professionals to whom my ears, in their presence, definitely did the, “going in one ear and coming through the next” thing.
Alright, I’m sure you’ve also formulated your own opinion on the matter of listening. But while I stand guilty of being stubborn sometimes, a sinful trait I’m praying away, I hasten to my defense. Most times when I respectfully go against the majority is because a higher power was always louder in my ears. And on this journey that I’m on, without knowing where it was leading me, I have found renowned discovery and value in hearing, listening, and following the ultimate voice- THE VOICE OF GOD.
Lately, I’ve been intentional about hearing God’s voice. It’s distinct, assuring, and unmistakable. He has always spoken to me through His words, songs, situations, people, my heart, and through a still small voice in my mind. But I will admit, that I sometimes rationalize away His whisper, especially when it speaks against my freshly and carnal desire.
But these days I feel more surrendered and obedient to His voice, irrespective of how I feel about it. When making most decisions, I find myself saying, “speak Lord, I’m listening”. I seek His response on where to park my car, what to eat, when to speak, etc. And as weird as you may think this is, it gets weirder- I’d become silent, and I can actually hear His voice.

The truth is, there were always way too many voices in my head; the loudest being my own.
Listening to God wasn’t always easy. I had my expectations for what I think He should sound like, and when those expectations aren’t met, I question whether I actually heard God’s voice.
With all the voices shouting at us — social media, television, friends, family or even the messages we hear in church, how can we be sure that we are hearing God’s voice rather than our own thoughts or the devil’s lies?

My mind takes me back to a year ago. I had a tough decision to make. I locked myself away many times, trying to drown out the voices of critics, friends, family members, health professionals- EVERYONE, including my own. I intentionally positioned myself to listen to God’s voice.
But for days, His voice appeared so silent and distant. I called on a group of friends who I can always count on to pray with and for me. For days, we specifically prayed for Him to speak boldly, loudly and personally. It took weeks of persevering in prayer. At one point I began to think He’s nowhere near me, as though He has left me alone at a time I needed Him the most. It was unlike Him; I’m use to hearing from Him.
So I sought Him in my cozy welcoming room, in a hide away spot in my closet, at the welcoming ambiance of my toddler’s room, the serene beachfront view at sun set, among the fauna and flora in nearby gardens- all places I went to hear His voice. And just when I thought I must have done the worst, I became silent and resolve to, “when you’re ready, speak Lord, I’m listening”. And of all the places I prepared for Him, the most unlikely one at which He chose to speak was in a hospital room- in the wee hours of the night! ‘twas there in the worst, yet right moment; when the monitors went silent, the beeping and clicking stopped, an overwhelming hush of all things animate and inanimate, that I heard Him loud and clear. And with tears running down my eyes and a smile as wide as the Atlantic Ocean, a body made still in awe of His presence, I relished in the well known lyrics; “Oh my God is great, When He’s four days late, He’s still on time”.
Today, I want you to know that as Christian’s we have to make ourselves available to His speaking. Yes, He speaks to us through songs, nature, His Word, people and circumstances. But for me the most beautiful conversation with Him, is the one when His voice is personally heard. Drown out negativity, naysayers, discouraging reports, and toxic conversations. Make yourself available to listen to His voice. Let Him take you to where He’ll speak and you will listen.
Some say that listening to God can help you discover God’s perspective, think His thoughts, and know His heart. Others say that listening to God can help you get to know Him better and understand what He is saying.
I say, listening to God is giving of yourself completely to hearing Him! Hearing Him is a testament of your relationship with Him.
“God, I’m here. Whatever you want to say, I’m listening.”
Thanks again for the nugget. Listening to God is a trait we should all develop and practice. Blessings
Thanks for reading and commenting my friend. Listening to God is truly a developing and practicing trait. We have to work hard at it.
I often tell my children, “Learn to listen, and listen to learn.” Melowesha, I truly admire how you surrender to God’s guidance; it really keeps you grounded. We all need to reach that point. I find it challenging to interpret God’s whispers because I can be quite stubborn and often guilty of not listening. It’s fascinating how different generations perceive communication and listening skills. Many of us struggle with truly hearing what’s being said, often getting caught up in our own thoughts or distractions. It’s great that you’re reflecting on this—recognizing the issue is the first step towards improvement. Your honesty is refreshing and inspires me to reflect on some important questions: How can I distinguish God’s voice from my own voice and thoughts? When Am I going to take a brake so the Holy Spirit have his way with me?
Thanks again for your nuggets they are thought provoking at times which helps me to stay focused on this journey that Im trying to accomplish daily.
Haha, and you know learning to listen is an art that even us adults still struggle with. I have to learn to listen to the voice of God, and I’m still in “school” studying the art. Sometimes I fail the test, other times I pass.
Thanks for your encouraging words Tanya.